Anyone can Meditate - Dan Stewart
Tuesday 3:30pm - 5pm Heart Chakra - Big Tent
Anyone can Meditate. Right? It all sounds SO easy...relax, let go of your stress, empty your mind, maybe chant a Mantra, and viola: you're meditating! But what if meditation ISN'T that easy for you? I don't know about you, but for me....sometimes Life intrudes and 'empty my mind' is a task that I just can't accomplish. Relax? Let go of stress?? I thought those were supposed to be benefits of meditations; not prerequisites! If any of this sounds familiar, and you've had difficulty or have been unable to meditate, I invite you to join this experiential workshop. We'll spend just a few minutes talking about the benefits of Meditation before we jump into the Practice, and you'll be on your way!
Tuesday 3:30pm - 5pm Heart Chakra - Big Tent
Anyone can Meditate. Right? It all sounds SO easy...relax, let go of your stress, empty your mind, maybe chant a Mantra, and viola: you're meditating! But what if meditation ISN'T that easy for you? I don't know about you, but for me....sometimes Life intrudes and 'empty my mind' is a task that I just can't accomplish. Relax? Let go of stress?? I thought those were supposed to be benefits of meditations; not prerequisites! If any of this sounds familiar, and you've had difficulty or have been unable to meditate, I invite you to join this experiential workshop. We'll spend just a few minutes talking about the benefits of Meditation before we jump into the Practice, and you'll be on your way!
Getting Out of the Way of Kickback. A Practicum/Class for Energy Workers- Part One - Dan Stewart
Thursday 1:30pm - 3:00pm Heart Chakra - Big Tent
If you practice virtually any of the above-mentioned modalities, at one time or another you have probably experienced some sort of energetic Kickback from clients. It might have been as simple as you consoling a co-worker over lunch and having feelings of sadness the rest of the day, or perhaps a Massage Client’s emotional release leaves you feeling exhausted and confused for several days.
In other words: YOU suffer effects from someone ELSE’S ‘stuff’!
In this introductory class, we’ll discuss the hows and whys of Energetic Transfer, learn about effective strategies to manage Kickback (self protection), and practice (hands-on) a few simple techniques.
Intended Audience: Practitioners of Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Massage/Bodywork, Healing Touch, Chiropractic, Cranial-Sacral, Physical Therapy,etc. For Empaths, Shamanic Practitioners, Clergy, Teachers: anyone who affects or is affected by others’ energies & emotions.
Thursday 1:30pm - 3:00pm Heart Chakra - Big Tent
If you practice virtually any of the above-mentioned modalities, at one time or another you have probably experienced some sort of energetic Kickback from clients. It might have been as simple as you consoling a co-worker over lunch and having feelings of sadness the rest of the day, or perhaps a Massage Client’s emotional release leaves you feeling exhausted and confused for several days.
In other words: YOU suffer effects from someone ELSE’S ‘stuff’!
In this introductory class, we’ll discuss the hows and whys of Energetic Transfer, learn about effective strategies to manage Kickback (self protection), and practice (hands-on) a few simple techniques.
Intended Audience: Practitioners of Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Massage/Bodywork, Healing Touch, Chiropractic, Cranial-Sacral, Physical Therapy,etc. For Empaths, Shamanic Practitioners, Clergy, Teachers: anyone who affects or is affected by others’ energies & emotions.
Getting Out of the Way of Kickback. A Practicum/Class for Energy Workers. -Part 2 - Dan Stewart
Saturday 1:30pm - 3:00 pm Heart Chakra - Big Tent
We’ll begin with a recap of Part One and a brief (voluntary) discussion of results people have experienced since the first class before we learn and practice advanced techniques.
The focus of the 2nd class is twofold:
1. Learn how to make these skills subconscious so they become automatic, and
2. Learn how to apply them to our OUTgoing energies as well.
.. open to attendees of Getting out of the Way of Kickback PART ONE, or by permission.
Saturday 1:30pm - 3:00 pm Heart Chakra - Big Tent
We’ll begin with a recap of Part One and a brief (voluntary) discussion of results people have experienced since the first class before we learn and practice advanced techniques.
The focus of the 2nd class is twofold:
1. Learn how to make these skills subconscious so they become automatic, and
2. Learn how to apply them to our OUTgoing energies as well.
.. open to attendees of Getting out of the Way of Kickback PART ONE, or by permission.