Reiki IReiki is an easy-to-learn system for relaxation, personal healing, stress relief and more! Join us for an introductory exploration of this powerful energy.
In this beginner-level Reiki I class we'll explore:
Morning Session
It is fitting that our initiation into each level of Reiki is called an Attunement , because to attune is to:
... make receptive or aware ... accustom or acclimatize ... bring into harmony with All of which suggest that Rieki already resides within us. This class, then, serves to awaken us to Reiki, to its energies, to how they feel, and to understanding how we can invite them into the lives of ourselves and others. Following the Attunement students will have an opportunity to practice both giving and receiving Reiki with each other until we break for lunch. |
After lunch we'll transition to the practicum portion, and the students will:
Included in the tuition are the class sessions, manuals and other materials, a light lunch, ongoing support, access to additional resources including our private Spiritknoll Reiki page. |