Reiki flow in a nutshell:
Here are some of the finer points that come with practice:
Remember to:
- Ground and Center - remember the Jumping Jack visual with connections (strings) above & below. This is part of what you're accomplishing when you bring the energy in through your Crown & Root/feet and having the streams cross at the Heart Chakra.
- Turn on your Reiki & let it flow into and through you. I think of this as flushing out the pipe. Pay attention to how it feels (physical).
- After your flow is established you can begin healing yourself or others.
- Fill yourself first! Then, place your hands where you want to Reiki to go, and
- Release the Reiki through your hands.
Here are some of the finer points that come with practice:
- Let the Reiki expand your "in" pipes with every in-breath (relax & get out of the way), and
- Let your "out" pipes expand with the out-breaths.
- Pay attention to how it feels as it flows through you: in, out, left vs right etc.
Remember to:
- Move energy from Foot to Head for Liberating energy (increasing vibration/frequency). I almost always begin in this direction
- good for cleansing/clearing gunk
- note: when you use this Liberating Channel, your client may have emotional releases as s/he works through their Chakras with you.
- “let it go” works better than ‘push’ as you coach them (energy focus on the release, not the gunk)
- remember it is NOT YOUR STUFF coming out!
- Move energy from Head to Foot for Manifesting energy (decreasing vibration/frequency)
- good for relaxation
- similar concept as using ultrasound to break up a cyst or tumor